2007年11月6日 星期二 阴
今天中午12点有张measurement & instrument试卷。这张试卷让我花了好多时间。早在一个星期之前就已经把课本读过一遍了。但没用,读了也不记得。结果就读了第二次。一直到今天凌晨都在读着。第二次都是在读着朋友永发所提点的。还蛮OK的。但是呢。。一直到今天的凌晨12点接到电话说有份历届考题和tips一模一样!!哗塞!好恐怖哦!怎么会这样的事情发生?不过也好啦!因为这样我才能够应付考题嘛!哈哈!凌晨12点收风,到朋友家拿题目,之后回家解答问题,弄到来都已经三点多了。是应该庆幸的。但我的书却没读完呢!真糟糕!就没笮!还是得读下去。结果就这样读着读着读到天亮了。七点!就和屋友裕杰及家伟到加影吃早餐。早餐回来小睡一阵直到十点多起身准备上考场。就这样我也没真正睡到。还蛮。。。就是不应该。若是被父母知道的话,不知他们会怎么说。。不过我也曾经在家乡这样做过一次,就这么一次罢了。
12pm i had a paper for the subject of measurement & instrument. this paper made me use lots of time on it. one week before i read the text book once. but no use, i cant remember it. so i read it for second time using the focus that were given by coursemate wengfatt. thanks him! until 12am of nov-6th, i was called to get a pass year exam paper which the questions were same like the tips given by lecturer. and it was wonderful that the questions were thoroughly the same with the exam questions!!! my god!! 12am hand-wrote to copy the questions and finished solving the questions at 3am, it was good! but i havent studying my book!! huhuhu..... bad! no choice... i continued studying it until 7am. then we(me, ejay and kahwei) went to kajang for breakfast. haha. it was good to have a breakfast as it should be our normal life indeed! well, back home and took nap a while until 10am something and woke up for preparing to sit for the exam.
my seat for exam today was number 25, the last seat at the first row. the big clocks were very far away from me! i can just read the position of the needle of hour and minute seemingly... my god! it was due to my stupid watch which out of order during this climate period!! what an unlucky fate for me! it's okay to me as the questions were not so difficult for me! just only some of it, i could not answer it well as i cannot remember it well. pity pity.. but i think i can get some consolation marks. seem like very okay... it was a shy thing nearly happened because my stomach made some sounds to the surroudings. really scare people manage to hear about it. this has to ask zaoqi who sat in front of me... 230pm exam ended. hungry, felt cold and heavy head... scared to get sick. went home quickly and did two things: eat and sleep.
6th of november ended like this.. the packed week will come soon.. 3 papers in 4 days.. dont know start with which one first! how? wish me good luck and all the best!!