Thank you

Here i want to thank those persons who read my blog and give comment here. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! At least u did read and give me comment either you give the comment, advice, excitation, or else in direct or indirect way.. i appreciate it. but, somehow, i could not understand when you give me advice, comment or what, please do direct a bit. then i will know. THANKS!

My Quotes 个人语录

- 有很多事是自学的。
Many things have to be learnt by self.

- 不哭的人,不代表坚强;落泪的人,不代表儒弱。
A man who cries, is not represent he is weak; A man who do not cry, is not represent he is strong.

People treat you good, not represent you treat people good; you treat people good, not represent people treat you good.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Game Over!!!!

2010年7月29日 星期四 晴

昨晚9多许,回复了一个耽搁好几天的信息。之所以耽搁其信息,就因为早前在面子书上所写的“讨厌写长信息后得到一封又短又没内容的信息”。昨天回复了。还说明要点周末节目。怎知得来的却是,“我不要计划,没兴趣,做完应作的事,不就回家咯”经过三番四次的劝说及要求,始终得不到许可。就连到最后,我想要做的,给与优先权的资格都给磨灭了。我那么好给那么优先机会,尽然被拒绝。没有生气,只有无言与默默地把不舒服的心情吞进肚子里。既然最后的机会都不把握,那么我也不用保留了。今天午夜12点15分,发出了最后一封信息。那封信息很显然的在告诉他人‘游戏结束’。游戏已被终止了,而我也不要玩下去了。虽然我破了我的之前的誓言, 我想要在8-7后做个了断,但我已不等了。眼前一看,只有独角戏的游戏是不能玩下去的。虽然不知道那位玩家是怎么想,怎么看,现在心情的我,也不想去闻去问。反正挽回的责任已不在我身上。任何通讯联络尽不再连接。唯独登门造访。


Tuesday, July 13, 2010


这则部落格不公开于大众在此给于comment。请私下解决。。(Whoever read this, pls dun give comment here. I will delete it. Pls settle personally, thanks)








'first' blog in 2010

July 13, 2010 Tuesday Sunny day

After the day of my birthday in 2009, it had been a long period i din log in here and write a blog here. Once came in, i read comment from mervin. he said he missed my comment on his blog. Very sorry to him, since 28th dec 2009, i was busy and no mood to enter here. even now, i also dun know i will enter here again after this blog or not.

This half year of 2010, there were many incidents occured on me. we are all seprated from ukm since 7 June 2010. Say truly, it was very sad to separate each other. I was deeply sad when we were all in the sing-K session in Redbox Sunway Pyramid. No one know. After that, some of us went for Penang trip. Until 13th June, i really left UKM. Moved out everything from Saturday to Sunday. The feeling was not good actually.

14th June, i started my working life in Schaefer Malaysia. Until now, i had finished the first month. Very thank to someone that concerned about my first month and asked me.. Thanks, girl!

We were all worrying about the convocation status and so, i made severeal calls to ukm to ask for details. After asking, it can be said that we are not need to worry as everything will be settle by this week. So, just happy-waiting for convocation.

During this one month, i had been stress for about 2 weeks plus for the mistake i did in the work and so i fall sick for 2 days. Unluckily, i felt 'sicky' today..