Thank you

Here i want to thank those persons who read my blog and give comment here. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! At least u did read and give me comment either you give the comment, advice, excitation, or else in direct or indirect way.. i appreciate it. but, somehow, i could not understand when you give me advice, comment or what, please do direct a bit. then i will know. THANKS!

My Quotes 个人语录

- 有很多事是自学的。
Many things have to be learnt by self.

- 不哭的人,不代表坚强;落泪的人,不代表儒弱。
A man who cries, is not represent he is weak; A man who do not cry, is not represent he is strong.

People treat you good, not represent you treat people good; you treat people good, not represent people treat you good.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


2009年7月29日 星期三 晴

上星期在msn上写上"My colleague asked me a funny question"。感谢几位有心的朋友问我为什么。上星期的某一天的早间,同事Fu问我,“你的工作到现在又停过吗?”那个时候已经快要中午12点了。突如其来的问题让我反应不过来。他重新问过后,我才回复他说,“没。”其实,那天我的工作一直进,一直进,而我也没停止工作过。同事Fu给的工作,经理给的工作,让我没能喘个气。而在下午,且发生了一件巧合之事。因为同事Fu不在房里,有两位同事A和B就向着我说,“Teo,如果你实习完了,Fu 和经理就少了少了助手了啊!”那就辛苦咯。怎知,5分钟后,Fu 回来了,第一句话就和我说,“Teo,如果你回去读书了,没了你,我怎么工作?!”哈哈!我的第一个反应就是吓倒了!怎么他和另两个所说的话是一样的?而且,会不会太夸张些?还真有趣。



Monday, July 20, 2009

A little bit tired

July 20, 2009 Monday Sunny

Few days i had worked for OT.. yes, i could not finish my work at the particular day. yes, why not i continue it on another day? aha.. i wanted to finish it on that particular day. this two weeks, i was quite busy a bit. works were coming from manager and my colleague. work from manager regarding Drive-In FEM upgrade. Many works involved here. Many things i learned from here too. Today i learned the actual steps for issuing a project. From D&E-Planning-Production-QA-Planning-Production-Tooling-QA-Warehouse-Shipping, indirectly go to Finance, Purchasing and System&Procedure too... need pass form, BOM, drawing to different department and then sign this and that.. but it's worth to know.. Work from colleague, was the testing analysis on a product with a software. That was considered as bundle of work! haha! work of never ending. But no harm to do more with the advantage of getting know the problem with the software too..These two weeks back home, the first feeling was tired and wanna to get sleep. The day reached home by 7sth, really tired and slept early! Dont ever think that 7sth was okay, but travelling alone on the road was so boring!

Last Saturday went JB The Pulai Spring Golf Resort for SSI Schaefer Annual Dinner 2009. I was invited too.. haha!! i am just a trainee, yet. 28 tables, only got 4 tables of chinese including VVIP.. haiz the rest are malays. Around 5 tables are foreigners and 1 tables of indians, if not mistaken.. Very happy in the dinner as one colleague became our topic.. our table was at the most front from VVIP.. we were seem to be the noisest one as all are men somemore except one girl. haha! Reached home around 2am after fetching one colleague back BP. Sunday went Segamat somemore, actually quite exhausted when i get back home at night.

Today really haiz with the printer.. as my room's printer was sent to ICU.. for issuing today, i need print and plot BOM and drawing for 10copies.. oh my god! the poor thing was the printer was far away from me. It's okay, the only problem was there were so many people using this printer to do work... i even waited for hours for getting one project's copies.. hope printer in my room faster get back! really dont want wait for so long queue.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Saved by traffic light

July 8, 2009 Wednesday Sunny

This post supposed to be uploaded by Monday since this incident happened on that day...

I felt i was very lucky that day. 3 months plus i am having my internship in Simpang Renggam. Every day traveling 45km from Yong Peng, passing by Ayer Hitam and Machap. Usually, i would skip the traffic light junction in front of Machap's PLUS toll by turning into the toll and turn out from the junction. But, that day i was not doing this. I saw the traffic light was countdowning about 13seconds and there were 5 cars and lorries queueing up in front of me. So, i knew that i could not jump the queue within that 13seconds. If i jump queue, the traffic light might turn green when i turned into the toll. Meanwhile, i saw my colleague was just 2 cars in front of me! He came from Batu Pahat. He skipped the way and took the shortcut. When the traffic light turned green, i proceeded my way. And, i saw my colleague was at the roadside... because being halted by police! Oh my god, if i jumped the queue, then i would be summoned to the court. The police was giving the summon to court! They did not want to give the penalty. After reaching office, my colleague said he was summoned to Kluang court at September. Luckily i did not jump queue at that time. If not, how am i going to the court at September as my new semester start?
I felt lucky...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

魔羯座 Capricorn

美国独立日 星期六 晴



年 轻的魔羯都是很单纯的,我想他们也不会知道自己将从天使变成恶魔,魔羯座的人天生善良,感情也都很脆弱,也许会因为一些很小的事情难过很长时间,所以他们 通常在表面表现的酷酷的与事隔离的样子,其实他们只是不希望让别人看到他脆弱的一面,坚强,理智,承受是魔羯的代名词,他们并不是很随便的表达自己所想, 他们希望了解身边所有人的性格,并不是因为好奇,好象只是因为一种安全感,为了保护自己魔羯生出了一种特殊能力。      魔羯相对任何星座来比能在最 段时间看出一个人的性格无论他们在如何隐藏,这点很像天蝎但是他们却看不出对方的心,他们很容易就会了解到他们身边每一个人的优缺点,但是他们通常不会说 出来,也不会太介意,所有的魔羯都很包容对方请记得,如果有一只魔羯指出你的缺点那一定是友善的,虽然他们会用一种讽刺的口气来指出.     朋友(最 喜欢装傻的星座)  魔羯的人都很没有安全感,他们喜欢在任何人面前装傻,这可不是一般的装傻能力,魔羯人聪明就在于这点,他们认为只有傻子在会不牵扯到 任何伤害,与其做一个聪明的人不如当一个傻子平凡而又随意,如果不是值得魔羯相信的朋友魔羯永远不会让对方知道自己会有智慧,而无论安全与不安全魔羯对朋 友都很真,他们很珍惜些朋友。   他们最希望获得朋友的信任,如果从一个朋友那里得不到信任,他不会再与这个朋友交往下去.和魔羯接触过的人都会认为他 们脾气很好,好的似乎发傻,其实他们并不是脾气好,只是他们很会装,因为他们了解身边的朋友的所有性格,所以他们在包容对方,就算你做了什么过分的事,他 们也早就想考虑好如果对方为什么会这样做,最明显一点,你们可以去看看身边魔羯的朋友,无论你怎么做那些魔羯都不会很惊讶的,其实他们已经知道你为什么会 这样了.魔羯的交友观也很随便,他们可能会和贵族很好,也可能会和乞丐聊天,一切的一切只是心灵的交往,很少有魔羯会有势力眼,除非你这个人品太差了。      感情(超级白痴) 魔羯的人傻的可以,他们并不了解爱情,但是他们只知道爱的感觉,对于他们任何感情的表达都是一种感觉,他们很认真的感受每一个 感觉,大部分感觉都可以一个人去感觉,最失败的爱却要两个人,傻傻的魔羯一开始会认为,爱你是我自己的事情和你没关系,可是到后来越来越感觉不是滋味,于 是开始对对方表白,表白成功后却不知道如何走下一步,也许是太不浪漫在作祟,魔羯的人可能会拿任何事情开玩笑,但是在爱情方面只要他说出'我爱你'或者话 题谈到将来结婚,那么他绝对不是在开玩笑,魔羯很物质,但是这点和金牛处女不一样,他们的物质表现在爱上,他们认为给所爱的人带来无限的物质的就是最大的 幸福,因为他们很自卑,唯一能用自己努力获得来的就只有物质了。   当自己努力的去让自己所爱的人幸福的时候,自己所爱的人却因为其他的其他离开了他, 而到最后自己却不明白自己到底做错了什么,真是可怜的家伙们.