Thank you

Here i want to thank those persons who read my blog and give comment here. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! At least u did read and give me comment either you give the comment, advice, excitation, or else in direct or indirect way.. i appreciate it. but, somehow, i could not understand when you give me advice, comment or what, please do direct a bit. then i will know. THANKS!

My Quotes 个人语录

- 有很多事是自学的。
Many things have to be learnt by self.

- 不哭的人,不代表坚强;落泪的人,不代表儒弱。
A man who cries, is not represent he is weak; A man who do not cry, is not represent he is strong.

People treat you good, not represent you treat people good; you treat people good, not represent people treat you good.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


2007年9月26日 星期三 雨

今天很迟起床。原本调整在十点半起床的,不知道什么时候被按掉了。一直到十二点半被裕杰叫醒了,当问起是否去上课时,想着已经这样迟了,就索性不去了。反正都没什么东西的。怎知那个死人副教授竟然给我们小考!昨天他说道:“i have to finish this subtopic today and do another thing tomorrow.”这个死教授竟然这样骗了我。。算了。




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